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BEHIND THE SCENES // Lofty Heights!

I woke up this morning and thought it might be a funny idea to start a series showing the ridiculous things we get up to as photographers.  When I get home after a wedding and I tell Tom about my day, I often get a raised eyebrow or two, and probably quite rightly so!

Here’s a nice gentle one to start off with.  Here I am at a wedding last month, hanging out the loft of a barn, having climbed up a rickety old ladder with broken steps, kneeling in bits of hay and who-knows-what else.  I do turn up looking quite smart at the beginning of the day, I promise! :)

The venue was the lovely Lilibrooke Manor in Berkshire.  Unfortunately all the buildings were single-story and I struggled to find anywhere high enough to take a group shot of 150(ish) people.  Until the owner pointed out the loft….

Alongside me is my lovely second shooter Cristina Rossi, who very kindly came up to hold me down in case I took a tumble.  Thank you Cris ;)


Cristina Rossi Photography - Ahh I love this!!! How many spider webs were there?! You did climb up so elegantly and kept clean in the process! Great fun! :-) xxxOctober 4, 2011 – 11:09 am

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